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Handelsblatt - Wie Saytec Kommunen und Mittelständler vor Cyber-Attacken schützen will
von Axel Höpner
Besser als US-Konkurrenten wie Hewlett-Packard oder IBM? Der deutsche IT-Spezialist Saytec sieht sich technologisch vorn – und hat auch Nachrichtendienste als Kunden.
Besser als US-Konkurrenten wie Hewlett-Packard oder IBM? Der deutsche IT-Spezialist Saytec sieht sich technologisch vorn – und hat auch Nachrichtendienste als Kunden.

process technology
How industrial companies protect their networks. IoT, highly secure machine-machine communication.

IT administrator
sayTRUST ZeroTRUST put to the test. This allows you to work from anywhere with high security.

Current cybersecurity trends
Digitization, authentication and remote work have long been a reality for all companies.
At a high price: cyber attacks cause 148 billion euros in damage to the German economy every year.
According to a Bitkom study, 84% of all German companies have already been affected. A sign of the urgency of addressing IT security.
At a high price: cyber attacks cause 148 billion euros in damage to the German economy every year.
According to a Bitkom study, 84% of all German companies have already been affected. A sign of the urgency of addressing IT security.

Network access rethought
Workation, kitchen, WLAN, hotspot, office – office workers, technical staff, digital nomads or coworkers log into company networks from different locations using different devices. But is the person entering really who they say they are? Is the network you use secure?

SAYFUSE-HCI as a detoxification cure for corporate networks
IT infrastructure viewed holistically

Where is still inside and where is outside? Safely channelled through with sayTEC
Work securely from anywhere with sayTRUST VPSC

IT Infrastructure - Next Generation
With the all-in-one platform »Sayfuse«, founder Yakup Saygin created a solution that offers both simplification and security

Forecast on cybersecurity trends 2024 - IT security of tomorrow

IT security of tomorrow: forecast for 2024
Digitalization, authentication and remote work have long been a reality for all companies. With a high price: 148 billion euros in damage is caused to the German economy every year by cyber attacks.

Security solution checks remote workers before establishing a connection and entering the network
Office workers, technical staff, digital nomads or coworkers log into company networks from different locations using different devices. But is the person entering really who they say they are? Is the network you use secure?

Work highly securely everywhere with PKI - Personal Key Identification - the ZeroTrust VPSC technology from sayTEC
SAYTRUST only allows communication after the eight-step security process has been successfully completed - from the encrypted main memory. The digital gatekeeper intercepts unauthorized programs or malware beforehand. He strictly checks those who come in for their individual permissions.

Secure remote access through SAYTRUST VPSC
Simplify and secure remote work: The installation-free Zero Trust security solution SAYTRUST VPSC from the developer Saytec enables secure access to confidential networks from any location. An eight-stage security process checks the user's biometrics, PIN entry, fingerprint and personal key identity and creates access to individual applications - independent monitoring and updates of end devices are a thing of the past.

IT security of tomorrow
Digitalization, authentication and remote work have long been a reality for all companies. With a high price: 148 billion euros in damage is caused to the German economy every year by cyber attacks.

Page 50-51 The ideal and secure network infrastructure

Get out of the maze of IT infrastructures. Detoxification for corporate networks with Sayfuse HCI
IT confusion slows down processes and puts obstacles in the way of cybersecurity. With the all-in-one platform “Sayfuse”, founder Yakup Saygin has created an offer that is intended to offer simplification and security.

View IT infrastructures holistically
Tangled cables, hardware chaos, software labyrinth – anyone who wants to provide their company with IT infrastructure and security solutions quickly loses track of things. IT confusion slows down processes and puts obstacles in the way of cybersecurity. According to IBM's Cyber Security Intelligence Index, 90% of all cyberattacks are caused by human error. The Munich-based IT development company Saytec takes a holistic approach to IT infrastructures and technologies

Maze IT infrastructure
Anyone who hosts data needs a virtual infrastructure that protects against failures and data theft and can process as much data as possible. If companies put together IT solutions from numerous different manufacturers, the risk increases that the software and hardware will not be compatible with each other.

IT security in the home office: Better protection against VPN vulnerabilities
Due to the ongoing state of emergency in which German healthcare facilities are operating due to the pandemic, the search for new, mostly digital working models has gained momentum. In order to reduce the risk of infection in the particularly vulnerable hospital environment, home office has become a veritable solution where direct contact is unnecessary.

IT infrastructure made simple and uncomplicated

Wie Sensortechnik vor Cyberangriffen geschützt werden kann
Übertragungen großer Datenmengen stehen heute an der Tagesordnung und spielen in der Industrie eine große Rolle. Jedoch können diese aber auch zu Einfallstoren für Cyberangriffe werden. Wie Sensortechnik davor schützen kann, erfahren Sie hier.

HCI-Appliance mit All-in-one-Nodes und IT-Security onboard
Bauen Firmen IT-Infrastrukturen von zahlreichen unterschiedlichen Herstellern zusammen, wächst das Risiko von Inkompatibilitäten. Saytec positioniert sich in diesem Kontext mit System Sayfuse HCI, das IT-Infrastruktur, Backup-System und Sicherheitstechnik gleich mitbringt.

NIS2-konformes Sicherheitskonzept für Kritische Infrastrukturen
Ab 18. Oktober herrscht in Deutschland Anwendungspflicht: NIS2 erhöht die EU-weit geltenden Sicherheitsbestimmungen für KRITIS-Betreiber. Sie stuft zirka doppelt so viele Sektoren als kritisch ein, stockt Bußgelder empfindlich auf und führt neue Pflichten in der IT-Sicherheit ein – für deren Verletzung die Geschäftsleitung haftet.
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